Miss you all the time dad. I'm still waiting for you to walk back in the door and I think I probably will for the rest of my life. Our world isn't the same without you, the jokes aren't as funny, the dinners aren't as good and we all miss your generous and loving nature. Shannyxxxx
2nd May 2013
Can't believe its a year gone. I have a passing thought about you every time I pass the rugby ground. Hope mum and dad are keeping you safe - like they used to. It's a comfort knowing your up there with mum. dad and Ian. Love you all, always in my thoughts. Your baby sister V xxx
davidson veronica
2nd May 2013
Time goes by and our lives race on. It seems like only yesterday since I last saw you. I Think about you often. Even although we didn't see each other often you were and always will be my funny reliable big brother. Miss you. Veronica xx
davidson veronica
3rd December 2012